9. Belaboring your plans: It is a cliché that talk is cheap only action can give it good value. Taking about your plans or things you should have done all year round wont bring any close to accomplishment. If want something done stop talking and start acting. 10. Fear of changing: We often admire the good and acceptable things of life but we are not so convinced that we can handle these things when they come our way. The thought of what will happen when we eventually become different can overwhelm us so much well give up or procrastinate to a time in the nearest future. 11. Fear of success: Most people share the believe that the most powerful limitation to success is the fear of failing but beyond this fear is the fear of how successful you can become. You start thinking of your future accomplishment so much that you may decide to go ahead with it yet. 12. Fear of failure: This a common fear built up by previous failures in yesteryears. We begin to think of how we have failed ...