We see time as the most valuable commodity that should be duly accounted for. Some even say a waste of time is a waste of life. For economical reason we plan our time in some kind of time budget. Every seconds of every minutes of every hour of every day of every …(you know the rest) is appropriated living only no time to catch your breathe. In the end so much is achieved with so much at stake. With time you begin to live your dreams alongside its nightmare. You, a man, next most powerful creature to god, now become a slave to the abstract, a slave of TIME.
I have seen organized people who have everything meticulously planned but still wail over poverty of time. Some even feel cheated saying God isn’t fair to have made a day only 24 hours and not more. But the question really is, is man the problem or time?
Let’s take a look at the smallest unit of time known to us all, the frame of reference of all happenings and happenstances, the second. It takes a man only a second to die. It takes one’s life to change in only one second. Great decisions that have changed the course of events were articulated in a second, most time, a yes or a no. Archimedes hit eureka in a second, Einstein hits relativity in a second, the greatest business today where burn out of one-second ideas. The message is quite simple; our lives hang on a second, that’s where the entire budget should go.
When you look through your life, the events that has taken places, the good the bad and the ugly are all a product of a second thought. Life has never been about being a second faster or a second slower but about the decisions made in a second. You don’t need your whole life to decide, you only need a second, a second that changes everything.
Live life in moments and not in time. Time seeks slaves to fulfil its bidding. You exist when your life is guided by time; you live when you begin to understand the repercussion of the error of a second.
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