READ AND SHARE The Nigerian president visited the queen of England and asked her "how are you able establish peace and order in all of England?". The queen then replied, "it is because i work with intelligent people. For instance David Cameron" she then called Cameron and ask him to solve this riddle "your parents have a child who is not any of your siblings, who is he?". David replied "Me" and the queen turned to president goodluck and said "you see what i mean?", he solved the riddle. The president returned to nigeria and called the vice president Sambo They the following conversation ensued: Goodluck: Do you know why my administration is having so much problems? Sambo: no Goodluck: because i'm surounded by unintelligent people like you Sambo: how? Goodluck: solve this riddle, your parents have a child who is not any of your siblings, who is he? Sambo: I don't knw. I will call the senate president David mark, he then ...