Behold Satan 2

At a time when the world hopes for a lasting peace in a time like this when chaos is the only thing the news has to offer. The world’s “biggest bully” yet flaunts their muscles again. The Russians introduce the world the deadliest weapon known to man, the RS-28 Sarmat missile: Satan 2.

Different civilizations and religions have predicted the end of time as we know it. They call it different names; apocalypses, end time and so on. But we are sure of one thing, there is end. If God doesn’t destroy the world, men will with their civilization and industrialization. Should men fall, Satan 2 will finish the job.

The Satan 2 warhead is the deadliest ICSM yet conceived by the genius human mind. It is said that a single lunch of the weapon is able to decimate a land area that’s the size of France. The weapon can deploy warheads of 40 megatons, or about 2,000 times as powerful as the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagaski in 1945(the most devastating nuke attack yet seen), says Gizmodo.

 “The atomic bombs that Washington dropped on Japan are popguns compared to today’s thermo-nuclear weapons” says Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Former assistant secretary of the Treasury for Economic policy. He said that “Five or six of these ‘Satans’ as they are known by the US military, and the East Coast of the United States disappears.”

In addition to the destructive capacity of Satan 2, the nuclear warheads have the capacity to evade defence radar and can travel far enough from the point of release.
“In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation: On the state defense order for 2010 and the planning period 2012-2013. JSC SRC Makeyev instructed to begin the development of OCD Sarmat. In June 2011, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation signed a state contract for OCD Sarmat. Prospective strategic missile systems (RKSN) Sarmat is created in order to secure and effective nuclear deterrent tasks of Russia’s strategic forces.” Was the statement of the Russian designers.
At a time of political tension between thw US, Russian and Syria, one can only hope that this announcement is not the beginning of the end: the third world war.


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