Every relationship deserves intimacy to make it last.
The questions ladies ask their friend who is just into a relationship is 'have you kissed him?'
Kissing is pretty much the most intimate thing that you can do with someone. Kisses show stronger emotion than even cuddling or s*x.
In fact, to some people it is more intimate than s*x. Actress Julia Roberts in her movie- Pretty Woman said “s*x is just friction, but kissing is like getting a glimpse of someone else’s soul.”
The first kiss can be a disaster or something to remember for a long time. The first kiss can make or break a relationship. So, here are some simple yet very effective tips to be a great kisser.
1. Be Into it
Did you think that kissing is just all about your lips and your mouth? Or just about two clinging heads? Kissing is a lot more than that. You ought to involve your whole body in the act.
Feel free to caress your partner’s face and run your hands through his/her hair. Wipe your mind from all the worries when you are kissing.
In case it is your first kiss then avoid touching full body, until you two have built up a good rapport.
2. Be soft and gentle
Some ironically amazing partners open their mouths when kissing like a python ready to swallow a rat
While kissing, do not open your mouth so much wider than your partner’s that it appears as if you are trying to eat their head. In the initial seconds, go easy and close your eyes. Give the other person time to feel completely at ease. Also, grabbing someone’s face is romantic as long as you are not holding their head to keep them from pulling away.
Remember, you are kissing someone not trying to put him/her in a headlock. So be soft and gentle while kissing
3. Don't exchange saliva
Most people's idea of a kiss is a clinched mouth that sucks saliva in both directions.
Some people think that you are not really kissing someone unless you don’t do their full dental examination with your tongue.
The rule to remember here is that you are kissing someone, not excavating his/her mouth. Also, always try different types of kisses. French kiss is not the only kiss in the world. There is the spiderman kiss, single lips kiss, butterfly kiss etc.
Note: Do not lick your lips as you go in for the kiss.
4. Do not bite
As far as i know there is no such thing as the bat kiss or the hyena kiss. In as much as u want to give your partner a passionate and a successful kiss, keep your teeth where they belong.
Avoid holding the tongue with your teeth or even biting.For the first kiss, follow the K-I-S-S principle, i.e. keep it simple silly! Use only your lips, not your tongue. As you two discover each other, you will get to know what your partner likes and exactly how much tongue you can use in a kiss. But remember, whatever you do, do not bite!
It may look sexy when you see it on TV, but in real life, it can stab your first ticket to become a kiss-star and can turn out to be pretty painful.
5. Oral hygiene
There is no worst sin for the mouth like halitosis or bad breath. Bad breath is on good villain that can ruin an otherwise great kiss.
Nobody wants to kiss garlic or onion or say, smoke; anything that smells.
Do not kiss if you have just had smelly things (like certain kind of fish, alcohol etc.) for lunch or smoked cigarettes.
Before you kiss someone, be sure to use some fresh mints or mouth freshener. Also, make sure you lips are soft and supple.
Ones you are into a relationship ensure to keep your washed regularly. Maintain the twice a day ritual and avoid smoking and drinking.


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